Juria (じゅりあ)

Sources Pronunciation guide

(Main) gender: Female
Pronunciation: juu-rʸee-ah [dʑɨ́ᵝ.ɾʲì.à]

Etymology and/or ways to write:
This name is borrowed from the pan-European name Julia, the feminine form of Latin Iūlius. Most of the kanji used for this name can be seen in the table below:

ju (じゅ) ri (り) a (あ)
“tree” “village” / phonetic kanji
“gem, jewel” part of 茉莉 (matsuri) “Arabian jasmine” “love, affection”
寿 “congratulations; longevity” “advantage, benefit” “apricot”
“vermilion” “pear” / “colour”
“pure, genuine” part of 瑠璃 (ruri) “lapis lazuli” “quiet, peaceful”
“doll” “reason, logic” phonetic kanji
“Japanese/Chinese plum” “bright”
“officer” “existing”
“cold; dignified” “indigo”
“bell” “hollyhock; wild ginger;” part of 向日葵 (himawari) “sunflower”

Much of its usage is concentrated on those born in the Heisei period (1989-2019) onwards. In 1989, only 0.003% of girls received this name, gradually rising to 0.011% by 1992 before jumping to 0.017% in 1993 and over 0.032% in 1994. The cause of this jump was singer Mazda Julia, whose first solo single was released in August of 1993.
Percentages remained above 0.025% throughout the rest of the 1990s and much of the 2000s before dropping to below 0.02% by 2009. Based on Baby Calendar rankings data as well as my 2014-20 names research, the average percentage from 2017-20 is around 0.012% with yearly percentages in that time frame sometimes dropping below 0.01%.

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