Renzō (れんぞう)

Sources Pronunciation guide

(Main) gender: Male
Pronunciation: rendzo: [ɾẽ̞̀ń.dzó̞ː]
Variant transliterations: Renzo, Renzou

Etymology and/or ways to write:
This name combines a ren kanji, like 廉 meaning “pure, upright,” 蓮 meaning “lotus,” 連 meaning “lead, join, connect,” 錬 meaning “practice,” 練/煉 meaning “kneading, gloss” and 漣 meaning “ripple,” and 三 (zō) meaning “three,” 蔵/藏 (zō) meaning “possession” or 造 (zō) meaning “structure.”

Overall usage for this name is very uncommon to rare with the total percentage of men with this name, based on telephone book data, nearing 0.002%. Regarding its usage over time, it was most commonly used in the Meiji period (1868-1912) with peak percentages at or near 0.01%. After that period, it became rarely used, even more so since the middle of the 20th century.

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