Maiko (まいこ)

Sources Pronunciation guide

(Main) gender: Female
Pronunciation: mah-ee-ko [má.ì.kò̞]

Etymology and/or ways to write:
The most commonly used form of this name is 舞子, made up of 舞 (mai) meaning “dance” and 子 (ko) meaning “child.” The name coincides with the term for an apprentice geisha, though the word is written in kanji as 舞妓. Kanji in use for the 2-kanji first element of this name include:

ma (ま) i (い)
“hemp, flax” “clothing”
“pure, true” “reliance, dependence”
part of 茉莉 (matsuri) “Arabian jasmine” phonetic kanji
“ten thousand” / “only”
/ “polish, shine” phonetic kanji
“full, whole” phonetic kanji
“refinement, elegance”

Maiko started to be used among the general population in the 1900s amidst an explosion of -ko names, though it was uncommonly used until the 1970s when it started to rise in popularity. In that decade, over 0.3% of girls were given this name, peaking in the 1980s with the percentage of over 0.8%.
By 1990, it was already past its peak with around 0.307% of girls receiving this name, rising slightly to around 0.377% in 1992 before dropping out of the top 100 by 1994 with around 0.204% of girls being given this name in that year. By 2009, the percentage fell to less than 0.03%, remaining this way ever since.

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