Kasane (かさね)

Sources Pronunciation guide

(Main) gender: Female, can be male as well
Pronunciation: kah-sahne [kà.sá.né̞]

Etymology and/or ways to write:
This name is derived from 重ね (kasane) meaning “pile, heap,” from the imperfective/continuative form of the verb 重ねる (kasaneru) meaning “to pile up, stack up, add layers.” Nowadays, it is far more common for this name to be written with multiple kanji, often 3 with the final kanji mostly written as 音 meaning “sound.” For the first 2, most of them used can be seen below:

ka (か) sa (さ)
/ “flower” “sand”
“beautiful, good” “gauze”
“fragrance” “blossom”
“addition” / “colouring”
“fruit” “early”

Occassionally, it can be written with 2 kanji, a ka kanji combined with the element 実/實 (sane) meaning “seed (of a fruit), pit, pip, stone; substance, essence, entity.” Other kanji for the second element include 真 meaning “pure, true” and 心 meaning “heart, mind.”

Overall usage for this name is rare, more so especially before the 1980s where only a few bearers of this name can be found, the majority of which being male. Since that decade however, it has become almost exclusively a feminine name, peaking at around 0.006% in 1994.

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