Jukiya (じゅきや)

Sources Pronunciation guide

(Main) gender: Male
Pronunciation: juu-kʸee-yah [dʑɨ́ᵝ.kʲì.jà]

Etymology and/or ways to write:
Most of the kanji used for this name can be seen in the table below:

ju (じゅ) ki (き) ya (や)
寿/ “congratulations; longevity” / “rare;” part of 希望 (kibō) “hope, wish, aspiration” phonetic kanji*
“tree”** “precious, valuable” / “increase”
“gem, jewel” “brightness, brilliance” phonetic kanji
“vermilion” “season” “arrow”
“vitality” phonetic kanji
“delight, pleasure”
6th heavenly stem in Chinese calendar

* can refer to archaic auxiliary verb なり (nari) meaning “to be”
** can also be used as the second kanji

This name (along with similar sounding Jukia) was first made known and popularised by now former WBC world bantamweight champion boxer Tatsuyoshi Jōichirō, whose first son was born in 1992 (the name of his second son, Juiki, rose later on to a smaller degree).
Its period of peak usage occurred from 1995 to 1998 when yearly percentages were above 0.02% with 1995 being the peak year at 0.026% (1997 not far behind at 0.024%). By the mid-2000s, it dropped below 0.01% where it remains today.

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