Hajimu (はじむ)

Sources Pronunciation guide

(Main) gender: Male
Pronunciation: hah-zheemuu [hà.ʑí.mɯ̟́ᵝ]

Etymology and/or ways to write:
This name is derived from the archaic verb 始/創む (hajimu) meaning “to begin, start, initiate, originate” (compare the modern transitive verb 始/創める (hajimeru) from which the continuative form derives the more commonly used name Hajime).
Aside from these two kanji, others in use with the same or similarly themed meanings for this name include 肇, 一 and 元, the second kanji standing for the number one.

Compared to Hajime, percentages for this name only peak at around or just under 0.01%, primarily in the first half of the 20th century. Regarding recent popularity, no matches for this name can be found either in the Baby Calendar rankings data or my own 2014-20 names research.

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