Kaera (かえら)

Sources Pronunciation guide

(Main) gender: Female
Pronunciation: kah-e-rah [ká.è̞.ɾà]

Etymology and/or ways to write:
At the moment, the most popular forms of this name contain 楓/椛, shortened from kaede which refers to a maple tree, combined with a ra kanji, like 來/徠/来 meaning “arrival,” 蘭 meaning “orchid” or 良 meaning “good.” The first element can also be split into two kanji, a ka kanji like 夏 meaning “summer”, 華/花 meaning “flower” or 香 meaning “fragrance,” and an e kanji, such as 笑/咲 meaning “smile,” 瑛 meaning “crystal” or 絵 meaning “picture, drawing.”

Popularised by pop rock singer, lyricist, fashion model and television presenter Kimura Kaela from 2004, the name first peaked at over 0.004% in 2007, when the name was mainly written in hiragana and katakana. Based on Baby Calendar rankings data as well as my 2014-20 names research, the average percentage from 2017-2020 is well over 0.01%.

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