Hisaki (ひさき)

Sources Pronunciation guide

(Main) gender: Generally unisex
Pronunciation: khsah-kʸee~khsahkʸee [çì̥.sá.kʲì]~[çì̥.sá.kʲí]

Etymology and/or ways to write:
The way this name is written is usually dependent on the gender of the bearer. For males, the first element is derived from the stem 久 (hisa), referring to a long time that has passed (can also written as 寿, referring to longevity, 永 meaning “eternity” or 弥 meaning “increase”). The second element can be written as 樹 meaning “tree,” 輝/暉 meaning “brightness, brilliance,” 喜 meaning “delight, pleasure,” among other ki kanji.
For females, it is mainly written as a combination of a hi kanji, like 陽/日 meaning “day, sun,” or 柊, referring to the false holly,” and 咲 (saki) meaning “blossom.”

Usage of this name is rather uncommon for both genders. Throughout the late 19th century and stretching into the 20th century, it was mostly used as a masculine name. Percentages peaked near or at around the 0.02% mark at some point from the 1960s to the 1990s.
Since the mid-2000s, this name has been given to more girls than boys. Based on Baby Calendar rankings data as well as my 2014-20 names research, the average percentages for that time frame are around or over 0.045% for girls and around 0.01% for boys.

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