Naoto (なおと)

Sources Pronunciation guide

(Main) gender: Male
Pronunciation: nah-o-to [ná.ò̞.tò̞]

Etymology and/or ways to write:
The most common form of this name is 直人, a combination of 直 (nao) meaning “ordinary, common; straight” and 人 (to) meaning “person.” Other kanji used for this name can be seen in the table below:

nao (なお) to (と)
/ “furthermore; still” “ascent”
“pure, true” / “fly, soar”
“truth, reality” “the Dipper”
“govern, manage” “metropolis”
“discipline” “shrine grove”
“existing” “large, big”
“innocent, chaste” “sharp”
phonetic kanji “middle, centre” “benevolence, compassion, humanity”
phonetic kanji “grow” “grant, answer”
“seven” “harmony, peace” “warrior; samurai”
“crossing, passage”
“lucidity, transparency”

Alternatively, this name can be written with a combination of a na kanji, like 七, 夏 meaning “summer,” or 凪 meaning “calm, lull,” and 音 (oto) meaning “sound.”

Usage of this name from the early Meiji period (1868-1912) to the late Shōwa period (1926-1989) was fairly uncommon with percentage not rising above 0.1% until the mid-1950s. Even from the 1950s to the 1970s, it did not rank within the top 100 with percentages ranging from 0.1% to just above 0.2%.
It wasn’t until the 1980s that Naoto started to continuously rank within the top 100 with percentages above 0.25% at any given year in that decade. By 1990, it was given to over 0.4% of boys, though it dropped back outside the top 100 before the new millennium. By 2009, usage levels fell below 0.1% but based on Baby Calendar rankings data as well as my preliminary 2014-20 names research, it did rise back above 0.1% with an average percentage of around 0.13%.

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