Aozora (あおぞら)

Sources Pronunciation guide

(Main) gender: Generally unisex
Pronunciation: ah-ozo-rah [à.ó̞.zó̞.ɾà]

Etymology and/or ways to write:
This name is taken from 青空 (aozora) meaning “blue sky.” The first kanji can be substituted with 蒼, 碧 or 葵, the third one referring to a mallow or other plants belonging to the mallow family, e.g. the hollyhock, and also a wild ginger, and the second kanji can be substituted with one that either shares its meaning or relates to sora, e.g. 天.

Overall usage of this name is rare with only just over 10 examples found on PDFs through search results and on FamilySearch and overall percentage from telephone book data calculated at less than 0.001% for both genders (usage tends to skew towards younger people). Except for any combinations with 葵 as the first kanji, all others tend to be most commonly read as just Sora.

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