Sui (すい)

Sources Pronunciation guide

(Main) gender: Female, can be male as well
Pronunciation: suu-ee [sɨ́ᵝ.ì]
Archaic writing: すゐ (Suwi)

Etymology and/or ways to write:
Any single kanji with the reading sui can be used for this name, such as:

  • meaning “green”
  • meaning “chic, smart, stylish, refined”
  • meaning “ear/head (of plant); point, tip”
  • , part of 彗星 (suisei) meaning “comet”
  • meaning “wisdom” (normally kei, may be used for similarity to 彗)
  • meaning “water”
  • meaning “youth, freshness, purity”
  • meaning “liking, taste, choice”
  • meaning “cone, pyramid”
  • meaning “accomplishment”

Another way of writing this name is combining either the single kanji shown above or a one that can (partially) be read as su, like 珠 meaning “gem, jewel,” 澄 meaning “lucidity, transparency” or 朱 meaning “vermilion,” with an i kanji, such as 衣 meaning “clothing,” 生 meaning “live, exist,” 依 meaning “reliance, dependence,” 泉 meaning “(natural) spring, fountain” or 唯/惟 meaning “only.”

The name was very rarely used in the late Edo period (1603-1868) with one female example each recorded in data from Tsunoda and Collazo. Usage picked up in the Meiji period (1868-1912), peaking in the 1890s and 1900s with percentages at over 0.3% for females along with occasional male usage. What’s worth noting about usage of this name in the late 19th and early 20th centuries is that the majority of them who received this name back then were born in Fukushima or Niigata prefectures.
Like most 2-morae feminine names in use, it fell back into rare territory by the 1930s. It wouldn’t be until the Heisei period (1989-2019), particularly the 21st century portion, that Sui would rise back up again for both genders. Based on Baby Calendar rankings data and my preliminary 2014-21 names research, over 0.11% of baby girls and over 0.05% of baby boys received this name in that time frame. The growth it has seen over the past several years has led to Sui ranking within the girls’ top 100 in my research, Baby Calendar and Nihon Ikuji by 2021.

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