Rikimaru (りきまる)

Sources Pronunciation guide

(Main) gender: Male
Pronunciation: rʸee-kʸeemahruu [ɾʲì.kʲí.má.ɾɯ̟́ᵝ]

Etymology and/or ways to write:
This name is mainly written as 力丸, a combination of 力 (riki) meaning “strength, power” and the suffix 丸 (-maru) meaning “circle, round.” The suffix (related to another suffix, 麿/麻呂 (-maro)) was used in childhood names, mainly among those of the upper class, before the Meiji Period (1868-1912).

The earliest example of any capacity that I can find for this name comes from the samurai Mori Nagauji (1567-1582), one of the attendants to Oda Nobunaga, whose childhood name was Rikimaru. As for overall usage, it is very rare with only about 0.0003% of men having this name based on telephone book data. Recent usage of this name is higher (if only a tad bit) with percentages from 1990-2009 ranging between 0.002% and 0.009%, the peak occurring in the early 2000s.

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